Sunday, February 17, 2013

Black September - The view from Rome Summer 1853

Cassandra and Sabine enjoyed the summer and the men and women of Rome. The summer heat allowed them to be in close physical contact with humans without raising questions about why their lovers were so cold. They had decided that should war break out in Europe they would go. The great quantities of blood would make them invincible.  Even to Gypsy witches.

In addition to Italian lovers they met some vampires that were very old and seen much of the world. Men and women that remembered when Julius Caesar and Cleopatra led a triumphal procession through the streets of Rome. Watched in amazement as the people of the city abandoned their ancient gods and goddesses for this strange new god from Palestine.

By the light of the full moon Sabine and Cassandra explored the city. They walked through the ruins of the Roman Forum. Stood by a crumbling triumphal arch that commemorated a victory in a long forgotten war.They took in the view on the Domus Augustana atop Palatine Hill, the home of emperors now in ruin. They looked out over the city to the Circus Maximus. These were the relics of a people that once ruled all of Europe but now didn't even control Italy The women felt humble in their presence and wondered what strange world they would see in another 2000 years.

On one of these excursions they encountered another vampire, a male, beneath the remains of a two lonely columns and cornice, They stopped and he turned to face them. They assessed each other and once all were satisfied that no one meant harm to another Marcus the man stepped forward and bowed low. He rose and introduced himself, “I am Marcus the Roman. I have not seen either of you dear ladies in the city before this night. What brings you to this place? Do you plan on staying?”

“No kind sir,” Cassandra spoke first, “We are only here for the summer and we shall be leaving before the winter winds begin to blow. And I am Cassandra and this is my companion Sabine””

“Pity you're not staying. I could do with some fresh company. Even the latest arrivals I've known for centuries. Do you mind if I ask from whence you come?”

“We have come from Ireland, Dublin specifically. That is the birthplace of my friend. When alive I was born in Saxony. I was born to darkness in Wallachia.”

“You are her maker, Are you not?” Marcus asked Sabine. “Many vampires bear great animosity toward the one that brought them to darkness. How is it you two are so...close?”

“ Becoming a vampire was my choice. I was laying in the street dying when Sabine found me She gave me tthis other kind of life.”

The two of you must be quite old. I sense great power within both of you.”.

Cassandra laughed, “ I am not yet a hundred and Sabine a mere three hundred fifty.”

“We gained our power by following Napoleon all the way to Moscow and then back to Paris. There was no shortage of blood on those fields of battle. We gorged ourselves every night! That is how we came to our power.”

“How very clever of you both. Where are you staying in my Eternal City?”.

“We are in a family chapel. At one of the churches”

“May I then offer my hospitality two the both of you. I have a palazzo near the heart of the city. I've owned it for centuries. I have a full household staff and all the amenities two beautiful women deserve.”

The idea of sharing a real bed, a bathtub and all of the other things they missed was very appealing. Then again, Sabine at least knew that vampires rarely did anything out of the kindness of their cold, still hearts. She needed to confer with Cassandra alone which she could not do here or in Marcus's home. “We have our things to collect before we can make any move and the night grows old. May we call on you tomorrow in the early evening?”

“An excellent idea. I am hosting a party tomorrow night. I would be delighted if you would come.”

* * * * * * *

Marcus did not exaggerate when he said it was a palace. The cream of Roman society was in attendance. A full orchestra played the dance numbers as well as entertainments from stars of the Opera and a piano recital.

The crowd had thinned out by the small hours of the morning when Marcus approached Cassandra and Sabine, “So, will you ladies be returning to the church for morning prayers, or will you accept my hospitality for the night?”

“The offer is very tempting Marcus and we would of course be honoured to be your guests but I can't help but wonder the reason for your generosity?”

“This is a very large house and you would not be my only guests. A number of the people of high birth will be staying for the night. I have put aside a large interior bed chamber for the two of you in case you decided to accept my offer. You could lie together in each others arms in warmth and comfort for the day. I can guarantee your safety

The reason I offer this to you is frankly, I am bored. Bored with these humans, the local vampires, everyone in this town... except you. I am sure you have great tales to tell as well as being beautiful and charming. Beyond your company I expect nothing in return.”

“Is there a bath adjacent to our room?” asked Cassandra, with her mind on comforts as usual.

“There is indeed!, shall I have the servants draw you a nice hot bath?”

Cassandra looked plaintively to Sabine, who with a moments hesitation said, "Yes. That sounds lovely" and offered a tentative smile to Marcus.

“Excellent! I shall see to it all your needs are met. Let me show you to your rooms.”

They were shown to a large bedroom with an equally large bed. Adjacent there was a ladies' sitting room with elegantly upholstered wing back chairs and a fainting couch as he stood in the doorway, Marcus said, “When you are ready, pull the cord in the corner. I have alerted the lady’s maids that your needs have priority over other guests.”

After he left, the women embraced, Sabine spoke first, “With all our travelling I had forgotten what it would be like to be in a real home, with servants to attend you and all the comforts of our home in Ireland.”

“And that bed. It seems like forever since we've had a place where we could truly enjoy each other.”

With that, Sabine pulled the cord and shortly there were two lady’s maids in the room, helping them undress. Once naked, Cassandra led Sabine to the bath and a night of leisurely and passionate love making.

The sun was low in the sky When Sabine awoke. She put on a morning robe and went to the door, planning to watch the sun disappear from the sky. She opened and went to step in the hallway and found she could not. She tried again and began to panic “Marcus! Come let us out of here! Marcus!”

The shouting woke Cassandra up who added her voice to the cries. Moments later Marcus appeared in front of the door. He spoke words in a language they did not understand and made a large upward sweep with his hands.

The women emerged in a fighting stance and took positions for combat..  Marcus backed away saying, “Ladies, Ladies I meant you no harm.  I just put up wards to protect you after you retired for the evening.  I only meant to assure your safety!”

The 2 women eased off on their stance.  Sabine spoke first, “Ward?  What is that?  I’ve never heard of it.”

“Of course you haven't.  Wards are ancient magic.  I learned it from the Sidhe, faye people of the past.  They disappeared from this world long before either of you were born.  Occasionally one is spotted but it is rare.  Only the pookas remain, delighting in the mischief they cause humans.”

“I recognise the words.  It comes from Irish fairy stories.  You mean there were such creatures?”

“If you’ll remember, my dear Cassandra, there was a time you didn't believe those such as us could exist.”

Marcus began, “We are not he only magical creatures that have lived on Earth.  It really wasn't until Christians came to power that others began to fade.”

"How did they fade?  Where did they go?", Cassandra asked.

“To some other world alongside ours.  People believe their god and the souls of the dead dwell in such a place.  Why not elves and fairies?.

“While they were still here they taught me some of their magic.  Specifically magic for protection.  What you encountered this evening was a ward, a magical spell to protect you from intruders,  It may prove useful in your journeys to the East.  Would you like me to teach it to you.?”

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